Epic Fail

I tried to click on Behind the Sea (to listen) but then i realized that i was using my cell phone to click. Epic Fail for me today, besides falling off of stools on stage during play practice.

I wonder, when people decided things could have passion.

Happy Time
I have nothing to say

For our play (the dastardly deeds at the yoursin mine or youkon (come see at wydown middle school, clayton mo, nov. 14/15 at 7:30!)) we have to learn this fucked up song, about his fictional town, that this 7th grader wrote.
My friend told me to soak up the cheesieness when we were learning the hand movements (that i still need to learn better)
I honestly don't ever have any room for cheesieness,
I am never ever that person.
I only laugh around friends.
If something doesn't amuse me I dont laugh.
Many things amuse me, but only when i am with my friends.
I need to be more cheerful
around everyone.


rae said...

that sounds like a stupid ass song.

don't waste breath laughing over something that is not funny.

Anonymous said...

haha ur tlking bout me... and yess rae its sooo frigggin stupid

Anonymous said...

but adam's nice so leave him alone